Sunday, 26 January 2014

Later that month...

The garden is growing like crazy at the moment!  All the lettuce greens have gone mad, as well as the kamo kamo, the tomatoes, the beans and the zucchinis.  We are getting 6-7 eggs a day!  Fab-boo.
The Ginger Princess and I are off to do our first trek together next month, it should be interesting.  I'm imagining it should fall somewhere between complete terror and utter bliss, but if you don't try these things you never know, right?
We are having a lesson next weekend with Parelli professional Jane Cook, can't wait!  So much to learn so little time time!!
 Summer time Jade-ness

 Starting to work the chickens into helping create the compost

 Kamo Kamo!  The key is not letting them get to big, eat them while they are small and they are amazing :)

The Grey Ghost with his coating of DE (Diatomaceous Earth)  The fleas have been a nightmare this summer, so lots of coatings of DE as well as natural flea treatings and flea combing have been the key!

The Farming Wife 

Friday, 3 January 2014

A New Beginning, Hellloooo 2014!

Boy, 2013 was a year I was happy to see the end of.  After losing two amazing and much missed family members I can only hope that 2014 will bring better things!

As always much is happening on the farm, lambs and calves are growing, the grass is still growing thankfully, after a very dry winter and spring we have been very grateful for a damp summer so far.

The poor garden has been absolutely neglected for the last 6 months so over the christmas break we have taken the opportunity to get some plants in the ground!  As The Farmer and I are now officially slow carbers it has changed what we have been planting.  Lots of green beans have been planted, with the goal of freezing a load of them for the winter months.  Lettuce and cucumber, as well as chillies, spinach , tomatoes and kale.  Let the photos commence!!

 The Huntaway, The Collie Dog and their gorgeous cousin, Lily Dog
 Our sweet Araucana Hen ( Lilac) with her first clutch of chicks, she successfully hatched seven, and has ended up rasing five herself, with another chook adopting the other two!
 Blackie, with one of her chicks and her two adopted babies!
 Lettuce, pumpkin, green beans freshly planted in the water tank garden
 Sid (Obsidian) the rooster trying to work out how to get into the freshly planted vegies
 The Choko!  Sprouted from a choko fruit over winter, I hastily chucked it in the pot outside to harden off, then forgot about it for a couple of months, oops, I'm hoping it will grow out through the bottom of the pot!  
 Green beans in the water tank garden, we have already started eating these and they are delicious!
 The zucchinis and what we thought was a pumpkin but happily turned out to be a Kamo Kamo - my favourite
 Newly planted cucumbers and chillis 
 Kamo Kamo growing along below the BBQ
 Lavender, heliotrope cherry pie and calendula for the bees
 More lettuce and perpetual spinach
Kale and tomatoes in the other end, cant wait to have a go at making kale chips! 
Gooseberries!  We can't eat these during the week but on our cheat day there will be no stopping us :)
My new (old tatty) pinto float!  The Farmer has promised he can make this look hot!
because I now have this 
majestic creature in my life!!!!
The Ginger Princess!!


I am constantly pinching myself that I actually have a riding horse now, it is such a dream come true and makes me happy EVERY, SINGLE, DAY!
Ok, enough gushing, but she is pretty awesome.  I have just started doing Parelli Natural Horsemanship with her and it is absolutely life changing, I can't rate it enough and I am so excited to see where it takes us!
Bring it on 2014, I'm READY!!!